Sentiment Analysis also known as Opinion Mining is used to identify and extract opinions within text.
Integrate Kenzy AI with anything. Our API is easy and straighforward to use. It only takes 1 line of code to get started.
On average, it takes Kenzy AI an estimated 0.35 seconds to process 5,332 unique sentences with above 91% accuracy.
Make inteligent business decissions faster with our robust low latency API for Startups, SMB's and Large Enterprise developers.
Get started with Kenzy AI absolutely free and begin exploring possibilities. Our API supports thousands of characters per API call.
Kenzy AI is absolutely simple, you'll be setup and ready to go within just a few minutes. Follow these steps to success.
To get started using the sentiment API, signup for your free Kenzy AI account.
Login to your Kenzy AI account and generate an API key for your project.
Connect your Kenzy AI account to all your projects using the API url & key.
Before you try it yourself, discover what other people have been saying about Kenzy AI's Sentiment Analysis API.
I've used Kenzy AI to help add additional value to apps that I've published for IOS and Android. I'm currently working on integrating this sentiment analysis API into helpdesk software for a large client who provides Cable and ISP services in North America.
My team created a Slackbot that utilizes the Kenzy AI API and we're now able to show a sentiment score within threads in Slack channels. It's quite incredible how helpful understanding someone's sentiment really can be in this internet day and age. Thank you!
Kenzy Ai has shown to be a tremendous asset to my company time after time. We create marketing dashboards for enterprise and one recent project we decided to integrate Kenzy AI into our social media aggregate tool to understand sentiment behind certain hashtags.
My company has taken what Kenzy AI offers a step further. We work in the field of Natural Language Processing and we've been using Kenzy AI's Sentiment Analysis to measure emotion and opinion in back-translated audio and video streams, mp3, mp4, and live chats.